Jul 31, 2018

Birds Of A Feather

Atlantic Puffin with a feather in Newfoundland, Canada.

Wild Lynx

Look at the size of those paws!! Wild Canada Lynx in Northern Ontario.

Jul 30, 2018

The Old Man

Red Fox in Algonquin Provincial Park

Furious Fox

Red Fox Fight in Algonquin Provincial Park

Jul 29, 2018


Wild Canada Lynx relaxing in Northern Ontario. I'd love to know how many hours I spent just sitting there watching her sleep or rest!

Take the plunge...

Atlantic Puffin in Newfoundland, Canada.

Lynx canadensis

Wild Canada Lynx in Northern Ontario

Jul 28, 2018

Pine Marten

Pine Marten in Algonquin Provincial Park

Wide-Eyed Surprise

Florida Burrowing Owlet

Jul 26, 2018


Photographers and artists may find this interesting. 

Collett vs Northland 


Lorenz vs Northland Art Company Canada Inc., George Tamburi, Daniel Tamburi and Semran Tamburi. 



Silver Fox Kit in Newfoundland, Canada.

Canada Arts Project

Love the finished product! Three new cards were released this summer and one of mine was chosen. I was so honoured to be included in the “Tree-Free Canada Arts Project” 🇨🇦.

Meet The Artist Here!

Clown Of The Sea

Atlantic Puffin in Newfoundland, Canada.  Would love to hear your captions for this one!

Jul 25, 2018

In A Hurry!!

Atlantic Puffin running on water in Newfoundland, Canada.

All By Myself

Atlantic Puffin in Newfoundland, Canada.

Jul 24, 2018

Jul 23, 2018

The Impaler

Loggerhead Shrike in Florida

Who Me?

Curious Burrowing Owlet in Florida.


Atlantic Puffins having a slight disagreement on the side of a cliff in Newfoundland, Canada.

Jul 22, 2018

Cereal Killer

Chris started a Peter The Puffin series in 2014.  Peter on a plane, Peter on the cliff with his friends, Peter at the lighthouse.  You get the idea. After this trip Peter came back to Ontario a bit worse for wear. He had been molested by Puffins, had holes in his feet from a fox, got left out overnight but was thankfully retrieved the next day.  Now he’s at home with me until next years trip and I put him through this nightmare   😂  #cerealkiller

Disclaimer:  No puffins were harmed in the making of these photos.

Rain Day

Wet Burrowing Owlet during a rainstorm in Florida.  It's raining here today....hope it continues, we need all the help we can get with the fires up North. 

Jul 21, 2018

Proud Canadian

I was thrilled to receive a package of these cards today. I think my Puffins look fantastic, what do you think? Look at those envelopes!!!

Tree-Free Greetings is a Proudly Canadian Company and to celebrate Canada's 150th, they announced a series of Greeting Cards using only the works of Canadian Artists. It was an honour to have my work chosen! ️ I will be purchasing only Tree-Free Greeting Cards for holidays throughout the year. 

Feeling Blue

Atlantic Puffin in Newfoundland, Canada

Jul 20, 2018

Elusive No More

One of my favorites from an incredible week in Northern Ontario with two wild Canada Lynx.

Best Friends

Driving back to our cabin one night after a full-day with the Puffins, I noticed this scene out of the corner of my eye. Originally when driving by this man's dog was laying beside him and he was gently petting her. They had a little fire going and it was such a sweet moment that we had to pull around so I could get a couple of shots. Here's one of the last I took before they got up and started walking down the beach.

Making Amends...Girls Like Flowers

Many of you will remember my 2013 photo "Making Amends" of an Atlantic Puffin holding an Iris in his beak. It won the Grand Prize for the Nature's Best Photography Windland Smith Rice Awards in 2015 and also graced the pages and covers of magazines, calendars and other printed products around the world. It was an authentic moment and I was lucky to be there when it happened. (That is why I spend so many hours waiting for the puffins each year in Newfoundland, I don't want to miss any of these amazing moments.) The Puffin plucked the Iris from the ground and took it to the side of the mainland and dropped it. His mate was waiting at the entrance to their burrow below. She picked it up and took it inside the burrow to use for nesting material.
Here is another take on "Making Amends." I took this image on my recent trip but it was not a natural occurrence and wasn't the result of waiting patiently for a memorable moment. This was a result of a photographer telling everybody present that "we should all watch because he was going to put on a show". He mentioned he had seen a photo of a Puffin with an Iris and proceeded to throw one on the ground that he had picked from the hill. A short while later a Puffin obliged. While I understand the desire to recreate a well known image....I urge photographers to care more about the environment they claim to love. Especially workshop leaders who are teaching others not only photography skills but hopefully how to be a patient and respectful photographer! The difference in the amount of Iris growing in that area from 2013 when I took the image to now is staggering. What used to blanket the hill is now dotted here and there in low numbers and I find that very sad.

Jul 18, 2018


Red Fox Kit in Newfoundland, Canada. I had so much fun with this little guy!  There were three kits and this one was by far the most adventurous. 

Jul 17, 2018

Sea Parrot

They are so cute....even when they are just standing there doing nothing! Atlantic Puffin in Newfoundland, Canada.

Jul 16, 2018

Making Amends. Again.

Many of you will remember my 2013 photo "Making Amends" of an Atlantic Puffin holding an Iris in his beak. It won the Grand Prize for the Nature's Best Photography Windland Smith Rice Awards in 2015 and also graced the pages and covers of magazines around the world. It was an authentic moment and I was lucky to be there when it happened. (That is why I spend so many hours waiting for the puffins each year in Newfoundland, I don't want to miss any of these amazing moments.) The Puffin plucked the Iris from the ground and took it to the side of the mainland and dropped it. His mate was waiting at the entrance to their burrow below. She picked it up and took it inside the burrow to use for nesting material.
Here is "Making Amends Again". I took this image on my recent trip but it was not a natural occurrence and wasn't the result of waiting patiently for a memorable moment. This was a result of a photographer telling everybody present that "we should all watch because he was going to put on a show". He mentioned he had seen a photo of a Puffin with an Iris and proceeded to throw one on the ground that he had picked from the hill. A short while later a Puffin obliged. While I understand the desire to recreate a well known image....I urge photographers to care more about the environment they claim to love. Especially workshop leaders who are teaching others not only photography skills but hopefully how to be a patient and respectful photographer! The difference in the amount of Iris growing in that area from 2013 when I took the image to now is staggering. What used to blanket the hill is now dotted here and there in low numbers and I find that very sad.

You Again.

Taking a break from Newfoundland until I get more photos edited.  So....here's an Adult Male Burrowing Owl in Florida :-D

Jul 15, 2018

Curious Kit

Red Fox Kit in Newfoundland, Canada.

Jul 14, 2018

Posing Puffin

Atlantic Puffin in Newfoundland, Canada.

Hello there!

Red Fox Kit peeking out from his den in Newfoundland, Canada.

Pretty Puffin

I'm back from an incredible trip to Newfoundland with my mom. Puffins were great this year!! We had many wonderful (and very long!!) days with lots of curious Puffins on the mainland. Met some fantastic people...I've always said one of the best things about Newfoundland is the people and I feel so lucky I got to know so many locals on this trip and was also able to meetup with old friends.